SHARLIN - CLASS CRUISER: This has to be the most advanced ship in existence since the leaving of the First Ones (baring ships created using FirstOne technology). These ships are 2 miles high, carrying hundreds of beam weapons and several dozen fighters. These ships are capable of taking on and destroying several ships of the other races. Only one is known to have been destroyed (apart from by Shadows and Thirdspace aliens). This one was the Black Star, the personal ship of the Grey Council, destroyed by Sheridan in the Earth-Minbari war, earning him the nickname "Starkiller". These elegant ships are very rarely seen, except for around Babylon 5. The Minbari are playing a leading role in the Interstellar alliance, with these ships being instrumental in keeping the peace.
MINBARI FIGHTER: These fighters are more than a match for any fighter in existence. Carrying 6 beam weapons, and equipped with stealth technology, they are deadly. They are also very fast, making then very hard opponents when flown well.
MINBARI FLYER: The personal transport for many Minbari. Like all Minbari vessels it is highly advanced, and , unlike other races transports, they are armed to a degree with 2 beam weapons. If needed they can be used as fighters, though they are not as maneuverable. Unlike all other Minbari vessels, they do not have artificial gravity.
Interesting questions: 1) Why was Delenn not killed on the Black Star? 2) How many of the Grey Council were aboard the Black Star when it was destroyed? 3) If the Grey Council were aboard the Black Star, how did the Minbari continue without their leaders? 4) If the Grey Council were aboard the Black Star, who captured Sinclair?