The Centauri Republic is one of the 4 major races that exist in space now. They are almost as old and advanced as the Minbari, and were once more powerful. The republic was once immense in size and covered most of known space, but is now in decline, but is still one of the larger. Centauri Prime was once inhabited by another race called the Xon, but when the Xon and Centauri met, war erupted, which resulted in the complete destruction of the Xon.
The Centauri were the first race met by the EA when they ventured into space, and exchanged jump-gate technology for Australia (as a colony). They claimed Earth as a long lost Centauri colony, however, when this was found to be untrue, they left Australia and gave the technology for free.
They have a powerful military, which they have used to take the Narn homeworld twice. They were involved with the Shadows, and have paid a high price for this lately. They are now trying to rebuild. They are a determined race.

The pride of the fleet, these huge ships carry immense firepower, more than capable of holding their own against starfighters and larger ships alike. They are comparable to Minbari
Sharlin class cruisers, although it would take a few to destroy one.
A modified
Primus serves as the flagship of the Emperor.

One of the most plentiful ships in the Centauri fleet, these ships are mainly used for starfighter defense, although, in groups, they are more than capable of taking on large ships. Their weapons systems are designed against fighters, and as such are rapid firing.
These are ships that are feared by many, and rightly so.

The standard fighter of the Centauri fleet. Plentiful in numbers, and manned by highly skilled pilots. They are not as heavy as a Starfury, lacking some armor and powerful weapons. However, these are some of the most maneuverable fighters in existence, equipped with advanced  AI computers that allow incredible maneuvers to be executed, as, even if the pilot blacks out, the computer will complete the maneuver  safely. Hence, Centauri pilots are willing to go into high-G turns, through which they cannot be followed.